About me

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My Favorite Toy When I Was Little 

When I was little I had to favorite toys. One of them was a P90 airsoft gun. The other one was a M1911 airsoft. These were my favorite things in the world. But at the same time I hated them because they weren't the real guns. Anyways I loved them because it made me feel powerful. When ever my cousin didn't do what I wanted I would run upstairs and get either one of them and threaten him. Eventually I got like four more airsoft guns and vests and helmets. So when ever we took a family trip to my aunts farm my cousins and I would put them all on and have a big battle. On my ninth birthday I got a glock, uzi, and an m4 airsofts. I felt dominant. I used so much bullets that I had six empty containers in the first two months of using them. I didn't use them all on my cousins just on targets. I only used like two containers on them. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

 In Ten Years

In ten years I see myself playing for the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA attentively owning them or playing for the Washington Nationals in the MLB. I also see myself helping my family with whatever they need. The car I would be driving is a Lamborghini and a Corvette. The college I would attend would be Duke University. I would love to have a mansion with a big backyard with a indoor pool and indoor basketball court. I would like to be rich but, donate money to charity as well.