About me

Saturday, November 26, 2016

10 Things I am Thankful For

When I was sitting at my desk playing a competitive game. My neighbors music blasting and my grandma screaming at my uncle over the phone. Then I began thinking I have many things to be thankful for.

  1. My family so they can take care of me and feed me.
  2. I am thankful for the food so I don't starve and stay healthy.
  3. I am thankful for my health so I can run around and play outside.
  4. I am thankful for all the great games so I can be entertained .
  5. I am thankful for my education so I can get a good job.
  6. I am thankful for my friends so I don't get lonely and have someone to play with.
  7. I am thankful for technology because it's just great.
  8. I am thankful for electricity so I can play video games and other stuff.
  9. I am thankful for sports so when I can't play video games I have something to do.
  10. I am thankful for TV so I can watch good shows like The Walking Dead.

1 comment:

  1. I love the walking dead omg that's so dope
